Just in case you’ve missed the first 2 weeks of class:

Big City Dip Shit Games Vol. 1
Big City Dip Shit Games Vol. 2

1. Go bus seat wrestling. This is a good way to pass the time on any city bus as you make your way to your destination.

Just stand in the bus and wait for some poor sucker to walk over to an empty seat and place your body between the person and the seat. If they seem to be ignoring you, they’re most likely faking. That’s just how the game is played. Give them a little nudge to let them know: game on!

To make this more fun, start jabbering nonsensical sentence fragments at your opponent in a foreign language. When you see the expression of helpless confusion on their face, give them a good shove.

2. Sell black market cigarettes. All you have to do is buy cheap cigarettes in another country, smuggle them across the border and then stand around outside of a crowded area while shouting and waving your merchandise around. The closer you wave shit in someone’s face, the better.

This is fun for everyone. It can be a lucrative activity for you and there isn’t a single person in Paris who isn’t happy to be swarmed by a group of enthusiastic fuckers shouting “Marlboro! Marlboro! Marlboro!” while waving packs of cigarettes in their face as soon as they step off of the métro.