Just in case you’ve missed Vol. 1 and have no idea what I’m talking about: Big City Dip Shit Games Vol. 1

If you still have no idea what the hell I’m talking about, I can’t help you there.

1. Mock the tourists. This one is quite self-explanatory. Just head off to any one of the many popular tourist attractions in the city and you’ll have hours of free entertainment.

Generally, you will find that the Americans are often easy to spot due not only to their high volume, but also because they frequently travel in packs. While individual American tourists can be a bit boring, tourist families with cameras slung from their necks as well as maps and brochures in hand have a much higher entertainment value and typically have a higher mockability rating.

Spending time in the parking lots of tourist attractions is often time well spent. Just have a seat anywhere with a good view of the large buses pulling in and out, as there is sure to be an endless stream of mockery targets from all over the world milling about throughout the day.

2. Have a drink on the sidewalk. Buy yourself a few beers (or whatever your drink of choice may be) and just park your ass right there on the pavement.

This works best if you are seated in an area with heavy pedestrian traffic and is a favorite among people watchers.

People passing by seem to like it when the sidewalk drinkers shout at them and often respond in all sorts of entertaining and colorful ways. Other times, passersby won’t feel like playing along, but may toss a few coins at you just to be nice.

Sidewalk drinking is a popular activity in some areas and you are likely to make many new friends with your fellow drunkies.