Creperie Ty Baron

Creperie Ty Baron

Wandering around Brittany looking at trees, rocks & assorted Merlin memorabilia works up an appetite.  I was beginning to feel the familiar sensation of my stomach wrapping itself around my spine, as it usually does just before my body begins to digest itself.Our eyes were beginning to get that glazed look that one gets just as they begin to consider cannibalism.All right, enough of the sightseeing shit.  We needed food.  Preferably vast amounts of crepes, dripping with cheese & meat.After driving around in what seemed like endless circles in the middle of freaking nowhere, we finally saw the sign.We checked the clock on the dashboard.  It was only 6:50pm.  We'd have to wait 10 minutes.  No problem.  My body likely wouldn't reach the advanced stages of auto digestion for at least a half an hour.As soon as the clock flipped to 7pm, we were through the door.  The place was empty, just as one would expect it to be.  The...
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The French Flunch

During the past year & a half that I have been living in Paris, I've naturally eaten at several French restaurants. The French love food & are (rightfully so) very proud of the food here.It often seems that there is a restaurant on every street. There are places with names such as: Taillevent, Le Dôme, L'Epi Dupin, La Charcuterie & La Tour d'Argent.All of those fancy-sounding French names are typical…but what wasn't so typical & the name that came as the biggest surprise to me was: Flunch.Fucking FLUNCH?How does this sound at all appetizing? Obviously, whomever the mental giant was that came up with this one needs to be punched in the brain. It seems quite apparent to me that there are much more suitable uses for a word such as "flunch"."Damn…I just stepped in flunch." "Stop flunching my leg." "Some sick bastard just flunched all over the bathroom floor."I've decided to work this word into my vernacular. While words such as...
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