Finding Hope in a Galaxy of Women’s Stories

Finding Hope in a Galaxy of Women’s Stories

If you're reading this, that means we made it through 2017. What seemed like a hopeless quagmire of shit and doom in January is still an insane quagmire of shit and doom, but maybe it's a little less hopeless. A little less shitty and a bit less doomy. At least, in the way that I'm choosing to view it, the world is still broken, but nearly one year into the most powerful country in the world being run by a bile-spewing fleshy cesspool of fetid narcissism, I've seen plenty of clear reminders that he isn't the one with all the power. I'm still angry. I'm still worried and freak out a lot, so when I catch myself sinking and letting my imagination overwhelm me with worst-case scenarios, I look elsewhere. I follow the advice of Mr. Rogers, and I look for the helpers.Lately, though, I don't stop with the helpers. I look for the fighters. The resisters. After watching a...
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Short Stories and Tiny Blissful Moments

Short Stories and Tiny Blissful Moments

How are we doing these days? Holding up? Hanging in there? I hope so. If you're reading this, I hope you're doing so during a brief pause from doing nice things for yourself like reading books, making art, drinking beers, and eating some really incredible food. Tiny blissful moments are a big deal. Everything that's going on in the world constantly draws me in and I feel compelled to read the news and dive into my Twitter feed, but lately, I'm suffering from information fatigue. Mostly, it's Trump fatigue. I don't need to experience a daily bombardment of voices each day telling me that he said an awful thing. Both sides harbor their own set of obsessions that tend to weigh heavy on everyone. Too much of that shit and I start to morph into Rust Cohle from the first season of True Detective.There's a lot of scared people. Angry people. And people who think none of this matters, or...
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Here’s Why I Won’t Be Doing Anymore Free Book Promotions on Amazon

Here’s Why I Won’t Be Doing Anymore Free Book Promotions on Amazon

A few years ago, after I published Human Detritus, I began to notice how many authors were giving away Kindle versions of their books for free on Amazon. It seemed crazy to me at the time, because writing a book is a lot of work. It's also a hell of a lot of time, sweat, ink and puking up your soul into a word processor. Self-publishing is even more work, because self-publishing means wearing more than one hat, which is a lot more weight on your skull and shoulders.It seemed insane to me to just give all of that away for free. However, it seemed like it was at least worth looking into. So, I did.What I learned was that a free promotion through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing could increase sales in the long run. Better yet, it could greatly increase the audience. Okay, so I'd have to remove my book from all other electronic markets to give Amazon exclusive...
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And The Winners Are…

And The Winners Are…

Just pretend that I read the title of this post in a big, booming voice, complete with the melodramatic flourish of a sparkly Academy Award presenter.Last week, I asked those among you who were willing to share your travel stories; the pain, jackassery and frustration that erupted when a pleasant vacation is what you had in mind. Quite often the trip we've planned has nothing to do with the adventure we actually experience.That's what I wanted and some of you delivered. Now it's my turn to deliver.Here's what I promised you last week:- I’ll give the best story signed copies of both of my books, Human Detritus and Broken Abroad.- Second place, I’ll give you a signed copy of Broken Abroad.- Third, a signed copy of Human Detritus.I've read these little stories over & over again. From Morocco to Barcelona to Oklahoma to Greece to Scotland. I laughed about police interrogations, mistaken identity & camping trips gone awry. I also...
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I’ll Give You Free Books if You Give Me a Little Story

I’ll Give You Free Books if You Give Me a Little Story

Some of the most memorable trips we take are the ones that go horribly wrong. We plan on an exciting adventure, or a relaxing getaway, only to end up injured, sick, lost, or in the midst of an absurd comedy of errors.Maybe we get an adventure we never expected and are forever changed.I've told you some of my travel stories, Internet. Some happy and absurd, others much more angry and frustrated. I've just released another book, Broken Abroad, which is all about change, travel, comedy and anguish.I'm sure you've got plenty of your own travel stories filled with pain, jackassery and odd things. So, why not share them and receive a small reward?- In the comments below, give a brief story (no more than 200 words) about your travels gone wrong. The most awkward, hilarious, painful and frustrating stuff. You might get a free book for it.- I'll give the best story signed copies of both of my books, Human...
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Flowers for Rasmenia

Flowers for Rasmenia

All right, then... it's been almost 6 months since we moved into this house and lost the luxury of a home Internet connection. Now we finally have it again and I can actually refer to an Internet connection at home as a luxury, rather than a necessity.Okay, maybe I really don't believe that. I NEED the Internet. I absolutely need an endless supply of baby animal videos and 10 different columns of nonstop gibberish on Twitter. I require endless stream of commentary on current events to keep me up-to-date and a steady torrent of jingoist YouTube videos on my Facebook news feed to remind me to be patriotic. I MUST have IMDB handy every time I'm watching a movie and can't remember where I've seen that actor's face before. I fucking NEED Wikipedia to be there every time I have the slightest question about every trivial event or mysterious fruit I happen upon in the produce section.These things are IMPORTANT.Well,...
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