13 Warrior Women

13 Warrior Women

I'm really not the kind of girl that likes watching kissing movies, or chick flicks with best friends or sisters dancing around, crying and having deep, long conversations about the boring events in their lives. I'd rather have someone hammer kabob skewers up my nostrils. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for TV shows and movies with chicks. I'd just prefer to see them beating the shit out of someone or something.1. Aeryn Sun - Farscape Okay, so she's not exactly the nicest person. Technically, she's not even human. But, she's really not so bad once you get to know her.2. Sara Pezzini - Witchblade Not quite as scantily clad as her comic book counterpart, but still just as cool.3. Aeon Flux Well, the flesh and blood persona of Aeon Flux isn't quite the same as watching the animated version, but it's still fun.4. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Yeah, yeah...I know she's not Indy. So what?5. Lt. Kara Thrace, a.k.a. "Starbuck" - Battlestar Galactica Cigar...
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