Okay, so maybe you thought that I was all done with talking about Brittany. Well, you’re wrong, because I’m not.

One of the more famous locations in Bretagne is the megalithic site in Carnac, a ridiculously large collection of Neolithic menhirs, or standing stones.


The legend says that the stones are a Roman legion that was turned to stone by Merlin, which is why the megaliths are standing next to one another, lined up in perfect formation.

Well, that may be true, but it seems to me that if they were men turned into stone, then they would look more like men somehow. I mean, I saw Clash of the Titans and I also saw that episode of Hercules where the men from the local village were being turned to stone.

I know how men look once they’ve been turned to stone.


The truth is, the menhirs of Carnac were brought there by a menhir delivery man by the name of Obelix, as those who are readers of the Asterix comics are already aware.


Regardless of how all of they got there, all of the stones and dolmens (tombs) are impressive. We walked around near the alignments a bit and then started on the path in a wooded area running parallel to the site.

We came out of the woods and found that we had reached the edge of the Le Ménec alignments.


The Le Ménec alignments  has 1,050 stones spread out over an area a little more than 1/2 a mile long. There are 5 other alignments of standing stones in Carnac, but we had to save something to see on our next trip to Brittany.

Now, the curiosity of the day: there is a theory that Olivier is not standing alone in this photo. You stare at it for a while and judge for yourself.  If you should happen to see the spirit of a long-dead Roman soldier, or of a menhir delivery man, let me know.

Hey…you never know. The name Carnac has long been associated with mysticism and strange phenomenon…




  • Once upon a time, when my BIL was still alive and well, I went to Port Navalo, the Baie d’Morbihan, l’Isle des Moines, and Carnac during a road trip with LeF, my SIL, and said BIL.

    I know it was the wrong continent, but I kept thinking of Bilbo Baggins and his cohorts at Carnac. It was so mysterious. I kept expecting to see Golum.

    Your photos are really lovely and your explanation of the site is pure Rasmenia–Yippee!!!

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