1. DON’T talk about the end of a movie or book that I told you I haven’t seen.

2. DON’T whine.

3. DON’T send me a bunch of bullshit email. I have no interest whatsoever in reading lame hoaxes, political/religious propaganda, racist jokes or any other spammy crap.

4. DON’T expect me to eat it without telling me what it is.

5. DON’T call me on the phone just because there is nothing on TV & you expect me to entertain you.

6. DON’T talk during the movie.

7. DON’T be a backseat driver. I know how to drive.

8. DON’T spit gigantic wads of slimy phlegm out in front of me. That shit makes me want to vomit.

9. DON’T complain to me about it – if you don’t like your hair or your ass, then change it. If you don’t want to change it, then accept it. Now get on with your life & try to enjoy it.

10. DON’T chew with your mouth open. Seriously.

11. DON’T bitch about my foul mouth. They’re just words. Get over it.

12. DON’T criticize it if you don’t understand it. You just sound like an ignorant ass.

13. DON’T take things so damn seriously – the stress of that will just kill you sooner. You could just laugh & live longer instead.




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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


[tags]thursday thirteen, movie, complaining, whining, laugh, spit, phone, backseat driver, spam[/tags]


  • Hilarious graphics! Love the bottom one best! (Kind of how I feel like I must look after a long and boring night shift… like tonight…) Great list! Happy TT!

  • I HATE when people say things about a movie I’ve seen, especially while we’re watching the movie, that ruins the movie for me. I kick them out of the room.

  • Perfect list. I agree with you 100% on all of them.

    I really hate it when someone is talking about a book or film and I say “Don’t tell me! I haven’t seen it yet!” and they just go on telling me as though I didn’t really mean it.

  • Paco de Verde

    The Others are the Protagonists? Thanks for ruining Lost for me. And by ruining I mean explaining, because I had no f#$@ing idea what that show was about.

    I like how polite all the comments are on Thursdays. I don’t remember the last time I typed a sentence online without as least one F bomb.

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