Just a few random bits of nothing for you all to peruse while your killing time in between the more meaningful events in your lives.

I’m always begging you Americans to come to France. I’m happy to say that someone has called me on it. The Miata-driving madman, Ryan “Ponytail” O’Neill will be coming to Paris with his ever-faithful sidekick, Kyle “Brother of Ponytail” O’Neill.

There will be much cavorting, chaos and camaraderie. And maybe some other stuff.

Olivier’s friend Gilles is in Paris – away from his usual digs in the Emirates. Wine & Guinness were drunk as the three of us perused photos of his Iranian vacation. Just before leaving for dinner, Cat jumped up on the bench next to me & was generous enough to leave a fresh, warm poo at my side.

Yes, I know – most cats bring dead things in order to display their affection. However, our cat works mainly with vomit & poop; anything that she can make on her own without having to go hunting.[tags]Americans, poop[/tags]


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