For absolutely no reason at all, I thought that I would impart to you all that life is funny, life is pain, life is beautiful and goddamit – we’re really not here for very long so feel it ALL – grab a hold of it – the sickness, the joy, the sour, wretched, breaking hearts, the ecstasy, those wild, intoxicated lost weekends…and the hangovers.

Life is not always laughter and bliss – even if we think it ought to be. But, no matter what it is, it’s real – we’re all a bunch of fucked-up fools running around in an insane circus – filled with clowns and lions and if we’re lucky, a hot chick on a trapeze…

Sometimes, we are right where we want to be and other times we are so filled with a discomfort and lack of contentment that our brains itch, our guts feel like they’re rotting, but goddam! Isn’t this life a mad and twisted pleasure…

The moral of the story here, freaks – we all have a Jekyll…we all have a Hyde – embrace them both. We were not put on this incredible and magnificent planet to simply wear a mask and be the person that we want to be, that we thought we would be, that they want us to be…You’re you and I’m me, so let’s just be and talk and drink and feel and breathe and take it all in and listen to the most perfect song on the stereo together while we laugh about the times that we were mad and insane and we have intense conversations about what will be and what we are and what we dream…

A very great man once said…”Just pretend that everything is all right…because it already is…”

Who said that, you ask? Aw, shit…my beer’s empty…this tirade is over.