“It was Jim Morrison as the center and the figure and the spokesman, the figurehead, but we were all into the same thing. That’s why we were a band.”


"I appreciate everyone liking what I did, but without any one member of the band, The Doors wouldn't have been The Doors."
“I appreciate everyone liking what I did, but without any one member of the band, The Doors wouldn’t have been The Doors.”


"I think I'm a very poor piano player."
“I think I’m a very poor piano player.”


“Join us here in the upper reaches of the universe. Get off the greed wagon. Overthrow exploitative capitalism. Let’s get benevolent.”


“When you’re glad to be alive, good ideas come. The reason good ideas don’t come today is because we’re all bottled up with greed and anger. We’re mad.”


“I would like to play with Jim Morrison again. But you know what? I can’t call him. I’m sorry. He’s dead. He’s busy. He’s in eternity.”


“We’re all getting older. We should, the three of us, be playing these songs because, hey, the end is always near.”


doors dinerManzarek et Morrison